Monday, June 30, 2014

What Are the Effects of Drug Use

For example, for the people in the interior of Sumatra, consuming cannabis (Cannabis or Marijuana) as a spice in cooking is a natural thing. Because, as the tree grows wild in the remote forests of Sumatra, such as Aceh, of course, can be used by local residents for family cooking material that serves as a flavoring.

Or when we go to the hospital, the morphine type drug often used the medicine for drug resistant. If there is an operation for a patient, like it or not the hospital or the medical team will provide injectable numbness (immune) so as not to feel pain during surgery.

Actually, by definition drug itself is a drug derived from a plant or not plant, either synthetic or semi-synthetic, so it can cause a decrease or change in consciousness, as well as reduce pain for the user.

For it should only be used by the medical or medical teams and researchers in particular are useful laboratories to report the results of his research on the wider community. But unfortunately, sometimes even abused illicit drug use by a particular person or party other than interests

Just as an example, that marijuana should be for the positive, because abused even become negative and not at all helpful. Therefore, marijuana is used for fun or euphoric moment to suck it like a hand-rolled cigarette made​​. Due to the broader irregularities committed, especially among teenagers, making marijuana included as a prohibited substance that is in a class with heroin.

Almost similar to marijuana, drug use such kind of white powder heroin, cocaine or morphine are used for fun moment. Through the side effects that cause euphoria and hallucinations, drugs like it even makes its like an unconscious person.

Or in other words, taking drugs is the same as the wearer plunged in obscurity future. Because the only happy moment obtained, but the effect is addicted to danger latin mental damage if consumed continuously would deprive the wearer.

The following are some types of narcotics, psychotropic and addictive substances or drugs that are circulating in the community at large, namely:

1. Cannabis / Maryuana / Cannabis Sativa
Plants such as these are widely used parts such as leaves, flowers, seeds and stems, initially serves to overcome the poisoning seasoning and flavoring. However, after much abused, a joint or gele is in the community known as slang meaning that marijuana, used as a compound for hand-rolled cigarettes.

The characteristics of the new people who use cannabis for the first time are:

- The eyes look red
- The body was limp and looked exhausted
- Eyeball be great
- Thoughts like dizzy
- There is an uneasy feeling, but from the outside looks happy

Meanwhile, the ill effects of consuming marijuana are:

- Comprehension reduced brain nerve
- Vision eyes feel blurry and vague
- Lack of concentration
- Supply of blood circulation to the heart is reduced
- Often seen awkwardly in the activities undertaken

As for addicts who feel comfortable in consuming marijuana, looks like:

- Sense of excessive joy (euphoria)
- Confidence is increasing rapidly
- The sense of hearing is more active and sensitive

2. Morphine

Morphine is a kind of substance which is a blend of compounds extracted from opium by certain chemical substances for pain relief for patients suffering from certain diseases. Indeed, morphine can minimize pain, reduce cravings, and stimulate coughing.

It's just the side effects caused is no less bad that according to the results of the study were suffering from sleeplessness (insomnia) and nightmares. Today, the use of morphine in the medical community has been replaced with other drugs that have similar usefulness but friendly to the wearer.

3. Heroin

Can be referred to as descendants of morphine or opioda semisintatik the chemical processes that can lead to dependence and addiction is doubled compared to morphine. Heroin is widely used by pecandunya by injecting heroin into a muscle or vein / veins in the skin, due to ignorance or a deliberate act to cause effects such as euphoria and hysteria.

4. Cocaine

White crystalline powder obtained from the extraction of the leaves of the coca (coca erythoroxylon) can create a stimulus to the nerve connections by mouth or mix it with a drink that used the medical team in the world of medicine.

However, after arriving at the general public, it is being misused cocaine into a kind of substance or stimulant drugs by injection into a vein or inhaled from the nose with a small pipe. Similar to what is done by the Indians in the Americas, by locals used to obtain cocaine stimulant effects in the fight to his enemies.

Due to the use of cocaine according to research just felt a little while, which is not until fifteen minutes which includes a sense of fun, confident, excited, and increase energy and stamina. It's just a quarter of an hour after that, the good feelings will disappear instantly and turn into prolonged fatigue. In addition users can also experience mental depression and addiction to use it again, again, and again until death.

Psychological or mental effects obtained from the use of cocaine is:

- Hypertension
- Difficulty sleeping
- The eyeball becomes small
- Appetite is lost which causes the thin
- The heart beats faster
- Feelings of uncertainty and so on.

5. Shabu-shabu

A kind of name that is synonymous with Japanese cuisine, but methamphetamine is called methamphetamine, is a white crystalline powder. Originally created in the late 20th century for people to treat hyperactivity disorder, ie a person who can not sit still.

But over time, even abused methamphetamine with aberrant usage. The world itself many celebrities, athletes and musicians whose career was destroyed by taking drugs of this type. Methamphetamine itself actually is shaped pill, but because many abused becomes the use powder using aluminum foil is burned and the smoke is inhaled through the nose using custom-made glass bottle called a bong.

Some of the consequences resulting from Shabu-shabu is:

- The heart was pounding
- Temperature rises
- Can not sleep until pale face
- Incurred high euphoria to hallucinations
- Appetite disappears
- Teeth become brittle due to calcium deficiency
- And, prolonged depression

From the explanation of the five examples of the type of drug, should be to avoid its use. In order, lest future generations later fall into darkness because it has become addicts that can damage the mental and moral.

 Hopefully this information can be useful, what do you think? and do not forget to read the other information
 Are Factors causing drug abuse

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Are Factors causing drug abuse

There are several factors that cause drug abuse to a person. Based on public health, the factors causing drug abuse, consisting of:

A. Individual Factors

Each individual has a different level of risk for abusing drugs. Factors affecting individual personality factors and consists of constitutional factors.

The reasons are usually derived from the self as the cause of drug abuse include:

1. Huge curiosity to try, without consciously thinking about the consequences or
2. Desire to have fun
3. Desire to follow the trend or style
4. Desire to be accepted by the neighborhood or group
5. Run away from boredom, problems of life or distress
6. Notion wrong that occasional use does not cause addiction
7. Not afford or do not dare to face the pressure of the environment or association group to use narcotics
8. Unable to say no to drugs

B. Environmental Factors

Environmental factors include:

Family Environment --- Relationship father and mother were cracked, the less effective communication between parents and children, and the lack of respect between family members is a factor that contributed to someone on substance use disorders.

School environments that lack discipline --- Schools, located near entertainment venues, less provide opportunities for students to develop themselves creatively and positively, and the presence of student drug users are contributory factors for abuse of narcotics.
Peer environment --- There is a need to encourage teenage promiscuity peers to be fully accepted in the group. There are times when the use of narcotics is an important thing for a teenager to be accepted in the group and are considered as adults.

 Hopefully this information can be useful, what do you think? and do not forget to read the other information
 Injecting Heroin Mix Anthrax, compactors Stretch Life

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Injecting Heroin Mix Anthrax, compactors Stretch Life

   Not only destroy the future of the younger generation, not infrequently fatal drug users. In the UK, recently reportedly died of a heroin user. Not because of an overdose, but because the drug mixed anthrax infection.
This middle-aged man found dead in Glasgow's heroin contaminated with blood. Heroin was found in the anthrax bacteria were allegedly responsible for his death.

   "This is an isolated case in Glasgow and there have been sporadic cases in UK and Europe in recent months," said Public Health consultant, Dr Syed Ahmed as reported by the Daily Mail, Friday (03/15/2013).
This is not the first case. UK Health Protection Agency or the Health Protection Agency confirmed there are cases of fatalities due to the use of anthrax-infected heroin in Suffolk in December 2012.

A victim named Claire Skelton (42 years) origin of Rochester died in King's College Hospital, London for anthrax infection from injecting drug use.
   "We are working with other services and peers to guard against any possibility of other cases, especially among injecting drug users," said Dr. Ahmed.

Anthrax disease is caused by bacterial infection and most commonly affects herbivorous mammals. Several other animal and bird species can also be infected with this deadly bacteria. Drug users infected with the bacteria when using contaminated drugs anthrax spores.

These spores are very rarely spread from person to person and can not be transmitted through the air. Symptoms include itching, acne turn into swollen and widespread. If left untreated, the infection can spread and cause blood poisoning. It took a week from start to display symptoms infected.

   Hopefully the news and this information can be of concern to us all of the dangers and risks of drug addicts.

Source of news:

Can eliminate narcotics or drug addiction?

Addiction is like a difficult tangle described.
   A person who is addicted too often find it impossible to escape from addiction.
Hypnotherapy can eliminate the condition that quickly and permanently addicted are people concerned must really want to change. The desire to change is to be out of yourself.
Not a problem if you now feel helpless to stop your addiction. Enough capital strong desire to change and you also have to have a hope of success with hypnotherapy, then we are sure to help you eliminate the addiction is quite heavy in therapy 1-2 times only.
   Experience as a hypnotherapist makes us very understanding addictive behavior. Addiction is not a disease. Addiction is just a pattern of behavior that originated from the habits that have been firmly planted in the subconscious mind. We believe, that the only cause of addiction is conditioning. A baby born in the world without any addiction. You addicted to something because you familiarize yourself with these things, either consciously or unconsciously.
any kind, addictive behavior has certain characteristics, including:

- Addicts always want to eat or do it again and again, despite knowing it was useless, self-injurious, or dangerous.
- Induce a feeling of uncomfortable, anxious, restless, angry, moody, irritated when addicts can not consume or do addiction
- Addict addiction make the object as the object of an escape when he was experiencing negative emotions such as anger, disappointment, sadness, failure, etc..
- Addicts generally have tried to stop the addiction, but because it did not work, or find it impossible to quit, the addict eventually accept it as part of the addiction itself.
- Addictions and bad habits will get worse if it's an addiction or bad habit made the longer, more repetitive, and the stronger the support environment.

   Addiction can be a biological or psychological problems. For example taking drug addiction, cocaine, morphine, marijuana and other drugs is an addiction which is a combination of biological and psychological addiction.
   In the case of drug addiction, we personally believe that much more powerful is the influence of the subconscious urge to continue taking the drug, compared with the needs of the body to chemicals in drugs.
   Therefore, efforts to cure drug addiction with drugs often fail. Many patients who have recovered but one day relapses and addiction again. Recurrence of a drug addict because he is biologically not need substances contained in drugs, but because of the psychological influences, both from within oneself (as an outlet for negative emotions, subconscious impulse), or the inability to reject the invitation of friends who still use drugs. The failure of attempts to cure addiction often give rise to either the self-addicts and their families.
    While shopping addiction, gambling, games, and internet addiction is caused purely psychological conditioning, environmental influences or because of the habit of doing something over and over again. Addicted to cigarettes, liquor (alcoholic), chewing gum, cola or fizzy drink addiction, and addiction to food or other beverages is actually also a psychological addiction.
    Chemicals contained in cigarettes, liquor, candy, cola or soda may indeed have an addictive effect, but its effect on the body is very, very small. If a current addict can not consume food or drink it in a long time, the only cause emotional symptoms such as anxiety, feeling less comfortable, or other negative emotions, but not at all physical harm. In contrast to drug addicts who could die or at least suffer physically if not get addictive substances the body needs.
Some addictions and bad habits can be stopped with very hypnotherapy in quick time, among others:

- Drug Addiction, of any kind. Addicts can be cured as long as it really wants to eliminate addiction.
- Alcohol Addiction - Alcoholics often caused by unresolved emotional problems, anxiety, fear, stress, depression and so on. In order for someone to get rid of alcohol addiction and relapse, then the root of the problem needs to be solved.
- Drug Addiction Headaches, Sleeping Medication, Drugs Tranquilizers or other drugs - Once we deal with clients who are addicted to drugs headache, we just prove to yourself that what is written in books hypnotherapy that drug addiction is often caused by depression, anxiety , stress and other negative emotions. Symptoms of recurrent headaches are psychosomatic, and headache medications only relieve pain temporarily.
- Addicted to Shopping (Shopaholic) - Before the opening practice of hypnotherapy, we did not expect that people who are addicted to shopping in the world very much, especially women from the upper middle class economy.
- Porn Addiction, Porn Pictures, Videos Porn, Sex Stories, Porn Movies. The mind is always on sex or automatically everything connected with sex. Porn addicts are very large in number, may be outweighed by the amount of cigarette addicts. According to internet experts, the top ranking keyword or keywords that are most often searched on the internet is always nuanced words porn or sex. This proves many porn addicts who seek self satisfaction through the internet.
- Sex Addiction-Free - Loved official partner, want faithful, dear family, but on the other hand is always tempted to have sex with other people, friends, strangers, and prostitutes, or want to be separated from the man / woman of your affair. Hypnotherapy can remove the sense of dependence on someone's bound and in quick time.
- Addiction to Gossip - Know that gossip is of no use, but not stopped. Always wanted to know celebrity gossip, celebrity gossip as if the information is very important.
- Addiction to Watching TV, watching soap operas, watch crime news, or other event to the extent that ignoring more important work.
- Addiction Snacks, Nuts, Crackers, Wafers, Chips, or other snacks. This addiction is not too dangerous, but it is one of the causes of obesity.
- Chocolate Addiction - Addiction to chocolate-based processed products, such as ice cream, chocolate, wafer chocolate, and chocolate cake, also cause obesity.
- Addiction Soft Drinks - Coffee, tea, soda, cola, syrup particular brand. In good health and for taking a reasonable amount, then there is no serious problem even if you are addicted to certain soft drinks. The problem occurs if you have diabetes (diabetes) and are required to reduce the consumption of sugar, including those contained in soft drinks.
- Sugar Addiction, candy or sweet foods and drinks - very dangerous because in addition to causing obesity, also trigger diabetes.
- Addiction Technology - Always wanted to buy or find out the latest technology products, such as laptop and mobile phones. Spending a lot of money to buy the latest technology product that is actually less useful. If the technology addicts are people who do not have money to buy, then he is always looking for information and observe the development of technology over the internet or magazines. Eliminate your cravings, then you can save more ..!
- Computer Addiction, Internet, Games, Chating - Usually this type of addiction sufferers feel "more alive" when playing with computers or the internet, but his ability to get along in society (real life) is very less. What's worse, there are up to anti-social, do not care about other people, or even less confident when they have to get along with real human beings.
- Gambling Addiction - Do you find it very difficult to stop gambling despite always lose in the gamble? Lost curious, addicted to winning? Always "called" to gamble when holding the money, though not his own money. Willing to lie, debt, sell the valuables belonging to the family to gamble.
- Addiction to Work (Workaholic) - Working too hard and did not know the time, obsessed with greater results, fear of poverty, do not feel satisfied when get money, can not stop thinking about work, ignore family and social life, always concerned when employment income already quite large though his work is mediocre.
- Read Novels addiction, sex stories, read comics, and other reading materials that give rise to the imagination. Withdraw from social life, no social life, few friends, and enjoy "living in a world of stories and imagination".
- Smoking Addiction - Addiction is already considered very reasonable, accepted by most people, very numerous in the world, as if we do not consider smoking as a bad habit.

    Register addiction can be resolved with hypnotherapy course is not limited. Almost all types of addiction can be eliminated with hypnotherapy as long as the concerned really want to change.
Note To Drug Addiction
    For drug addicts who are still dependent on addictive substances biologically specific, hypnotherapy should follow under the supervision of a doctor. Although the programming of our minds could make drug addicts do not want to be at all and do not want to consume more drugs in a single therapy, but the sudden stop drug consumption could possibly cause death. Ask the doctor, whether it's better to make your hypnotherapy piecemeal leave drugs, or immediately stop
Once again, any kind of addiction that you experience, you can only change the total with hypnotherapy alone if you want to change. If the decision to eliminate addiction or bad habit comes from persuasion, coercion, or pressure someone else, then the probability of success is smaller or it may take longer. If it is cured, the possibility of relapse is quite large.

Hopefully this information can be useful, what do you think? and do not forget to read the other information Does Treating Drug Addiction Drug ibudilast can?

Monday, June 9, 2014

Does Treating Drug Addiction Drug ibudilast can?

So far, to overcome drug addiction, the recommended method is to rehab and behavior modification. These efforts are time consuming and sometimes addicts still back on old habits. Now there is a new drug that was created to counteract the addiction.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the U.S. are now testing the drug. Is named as 'ibudilast', this drug appears to be the first drug aimed at addressing methamphetamine addiction. This drug also may be the first time used to treat drug addiction.

   In these experiments, researchers from the UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) gives ibudilast to 11 methamphetamine addicts who have not received treatment. Testing is a phase 3 trial of the first human trials before the FDA could decide to be approved or not.

The first experiment was intended to test the safety of the drug when taken with methamphetamine. The results of the first experiment showed this drug successfully passed safety testing and reducing dependency.

"Very early results showed ibudilast can dampen the desire to use methamphetamine and improve cognitive function," said the researcher, Dr. Aimee Swanson, director of research at the UCLA Center for Behavioral and Addiction Medicine, as reported by the Huffington Post, Thursday (04/04/2013).

   Ibudilast prevent the activation of certain cells in the central nervous system are called glial cells. These cells are known to be associated with drug dependence. If you can block the activation of these cells as a result of methamphetamine, then the response of nerve signal transmission and reception will be up to the brain correctly.

This drug can not be said to be actually completely new. Ibudilast developed in Japan and has been marketed there and in Korea since 1989 to treat asthma and complications of a stroke. A U.S. company called MediciNova also use ibudilast in 2004 for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

"When we see people come to participate in the experiment, it really is their last option. Many of them who could no longer keep his job, breaking up a relationship with the family, a car lost, destroyed businesses, homes lost, the children go , "Swanson said.

   Over the past 20 years, researchers have attempted to develop a drug to treat methamphetamine addiction. There are an estimated 439,000 people addicted to illicit drugs in the United States in 2011. Losses due to addiction countries is estimated at U.S. $ 23.4 billion, or about Rp 228 trillion in 2005.

The only option available at this time for methamphetamine addicts is through counseling in a rehabilitation center. This treatment is not always effective for everyone. While treatment for more serious conditions or life threatening need unmet medical treatment.

 Hopefully this information can be useful, what do you think? and do not forget to read the other information
 Natural healing drug addicts

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