Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Characteristics and signs the drug addict or the type of methamphetamine .

     We do not want any family members who are addicted to drugs and we should be wary of our family from all forms of the dangers of drugs.
     Prevention is better than cure and it is a maxim most appropriate advice. Let us go directly to the subject matter characteristics and methamphetamine users sign or drugs.

1 . Addicts are very active. Highly active than usual due to the activity of psychotropic substances
     methamphetamine types make the active users a day and could not sit still. Usually lazy and do not
     want to do anything, now turned 360 degrees to be very diligent in doing all the activities.

2 . Changes in the eye. The wearer's eyes methamphetamine usually turn into large, the change occurred
     time using illicit substances (drugs, methamphetamine) are, and will be visible dark circles under the eye
     lids/skin around the eye depending on usage in the long run or not.

3 . At night usually the methamphetamine users, will never be able to sleep, because the type of
     psychotropic substances of methamphetamine, will continue to make eye awake all night tired all
     day despite the possibility of working.

4 . The scent of users increases more and unpleasant odor, the scent usually methamphetamine users is
     different from the usual scent which is not an addict (not the smell of body sweat as usual in general)
      because the addict rarely caused fear bath with water.

5 .  Addict 's face will look pale when using drugs, face blackened and greasy after a dose of
      methamphetamine was missing. The more frequent use of methamphetamine, the more visible changes.

6 . Lips red addict will suddenly not as usual and in the long-term use can turn to pink.

7 . Addict will change the way he talked, more smoothly and more authoritative way of speaking or it could
     be more ridiculous, depending on the character and nature of each of the addict.

8 . Treasury, the money will be quickly exhausted and did not rule out the case, valuables can be sold to
     buy meth or drugs.

That picture of the characteristics and signs of drug addicts or type of methamphetamine. Hopefully this brief information that can be useful for all of us, and maybe if the reader has more information please write it in the comments field. What do you think?


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