Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Anyone can be a victim of drugs

Physical character is the first thing seen when we know someone. From the physical characteristics that a person has the potential for being bullied. Teenagers who are overweight, height above or below average more easily become targets for bullies, compared to teens who grow normal and reasonable. That's what happened with Alex. Alex smallish eighth grade than his friends. Instead of smoking drugs he never suck. But she could be a victim of drugs.

That afternoon after school, a group of children larger, group of unruly kids bring Alex to go, because they assume Alex harmless. They bring Alex into an empty house. With the group of children that greater carrying Alex on new nuances in his life, Alex feels are taught to venture in any case. Alex is quiet so went along into scoundrel. Like against school rules, issued his love, like to wear white shoes that rules should wear black shoes and Alex began to smoke.

Over time in the empty house Alex often see his friends inject something into his arm. Alex did not understand what it is injected. Finally offered Alex to try, Alex was also curious as to what is it like? They say it does not matter at all-time try. Alex finally gave up letting one of their former injecting needles he used the blood vessels to Alex. Since then Alex started to become users of heroin.

During the week Alex wears heroin, in the second week he had begun to feel withdrawal symptoms, she felt her body was very sore all. His stomach pain and frequent urination Alex still do not know if it was the effect of heroin. Alex groaned groaning on the floor because the withdrawal.

Both his parents came to her room, the whole house that night terrified see Alex conditions. Both parents then took him to the hospital. There they finally know Alex a heroin user, heard the mother immediately knew Alex Shock After heroin users Her father sent Alex to her grandmother's house and was educated there, in order to avoid the influence of drugs


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