Thursday, July 17, 2014

Cocaine Overdose Symptoms

Cocaine overdose symptoms tend to be short lived but extremely intense, you can even die from too much cocaine. Cocaine is an addictive stimulant and prone to abuse, due to the euphoria felt whilst using.  The high is short in nature, which lasts between 20 – 30 minutes and leads to an unpleasant come down.  The come down is often so bad it can only be combated with more cocaine, this can lead to addiction and the possibility for cocaine overdose increases.

Most of the cocaine related deaths are due to the effects on the brain, the lungs, it's important to realise cocaine overdose symptoms if you suspect someone using.  Upon using cocaine, it almost instantly effects: blood pressure, breath rate and pulse.  If you're an unhealthy individual or have any underlying diseases, cocaine can give you a heart attack or a stroke easily.

The increase in blood pressure can cause extremely bad problems later in life, or if you're a regular user's blood pressure can slowly increase from month to month. High blood pressure can lead to heart disease, diabetes, damage to the heart or the kidneys, strokes and a whole host of other implications.

Taking too much can lead to nausea and vomiting, if you have been taking cocaine for a while, your tolerance will have increased, which leads to taking more cocaine.  The increased amount of cocaine will leave you feeling disoriented, and completely out of whack. Come downs become severe and leave you feeling sick and faint.

Other cocaine overdose symptoms can be: Panic attacks, Muscle Breakdown, Seizures, paranoia.  If you are addicted to cocaine, it is important to overcome your addiction and seek medical help, before your addiction spirals out of control.

About the Author:

Jason Pillows
For more information about Cocaine Addiction and Overdose Symptoms, Visit Cocaine Addiction Rehab. (Bio)

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  1. Yes I shall tell about it, thanks for visit

  2. Excellent post!! Thank you for providing this detailed information about cocaine. It will surely prove to be helpful to all those addicts and individuals who thinks that the intake of cocaine is safe


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