Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Krokodil (crocodile) Type a new drug from Russia, drug-meat eaters

Have you ever heard of a drug-meat eaters? which makes your skin like crocodile skin? This drug users will lose skin and flesh little by little, the skin will look dry and green blister like sores ulcers.

Cases like this are found in Russia, because this type of drug is formulated in the state leadership of Vladimir Putin, and is now circulating in the United States. And this is the first time that happened in the country the leadership of Barack Obama.

In a paper posted News.com.au, this new type of drug that is known by the name of Krokodil (crocodile) was very popular in Russia. This drug has the same effect as heroin but cost three times cheaper.

This is a type of drug Krokodil codeine mixture with hydrocarbons, substances such as gasoline, oil or alcohol. The mixture is then filtered and boiled before being injected into a vein.
The emergence of cases of Krokodil users that have an impact on skin damage, has been delivered by the Banner Poison Control Center. They say the first two cases related to the influence of Krokodil is happening in Arizona, As.

"All I know, this is the first case reported in the United States. So we are very scared," said Dr. Frank LoVecchio, deputy medical director at Banner Poison Control Centre.

"They extract (medicine) and believes that most of the oil and gas is gone, but there is still the remains. Imagine, just inject a little into the blood vessels, can cause a lot of damage," said Frank.
Use continuous Krokodil types of drugs can cause rupture of blood vessels, making the skin become green, scaly and cause gangrene.

Gangrene is a serious condition that arise when many body tissues undergo necrosis or death. The condition occurs after a person experiences injury, infection or chronic health problem affecting blood circulation. The main cause of gangrene is reduced blood supply to the affected tissue gangrene, resulting in cell death. Diabetes and long-term smoking also increase the risk of gangrene.

At present, Russia has 2.5 million people who have registered to seek treatment from addiction. And the life span for those users that only two to three years.

How do you feel after reading this? do not let our families, our relatives or our friends are involved with this case, it's terrible, like human zombies.


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