Sunday, July 6, 2014

Stages of Drug Addiction Recovery

 The stages of rehabilitation for drug addicts:

1. Stage of medical rehabilitation (detoxification), this stage addicts examined the whole health both physically and mentally by a trained physician. Doctor is to decide whether a particular drug addicts should be given to reduce withdrawal symptoms (sakau) he suffered. Drug delivery depends on the type of drug and its light weight or withdrawal. In this case the doctor needs sensitivity, experience, and expertise in order to detect the symptoms of drug addiction.

2. Nonmedical rehabilitation stage, this stage addicts participating in a rehabilitation program. In this place, addicts undergoing various programs such as therapeutic communities program (TC), 12 steps (twelve steps, the religious approach, and others.

3. Stage ongoing formation (after-care), this stage given the addict activities in accordance with the interest and talent to fill their daily activities, the addict can return to school or work, but remain under surveillance.

For each stage of rehabilitation required monitoring and continuous evaluation of the healing process of an addict.

In the handling of drug addicts, there are several methods of therapy and rehabilitation are used, namely:

1. Cold turkey; means an addict immediately discontinue use of the drug/addictive substances. This method is the oldest method, by confining addicts during withdrawal without giving medicine. After drug withdrawal symptoms disappear, addicts are removed and included in the counseling sessions (non-medical rehabilitation). This method is widely used by some rehab with a religious approach in the detoxification phase.

2. Alternative method

3. Opioda substitution therapy; only used for heroin-dependent patients (opioda). For the hard core addict opioda users (users opioda who have many years of use opioda injections), addicts typically experience chronic relapse so to repeatedly undergo drug treatment. Needs heroin (illegal narcotics) substituted (substitution) with legal narcotics. Some commonly used drugs are codeine, bufrenorphin, metadone, and nalrekson. These drugs are used as drug detoxification, and given in doses appropriate to the needs of the addict, then gradually lowered the dose.

Fourth above drugs have been widely circulated and is necessary to control the use to avoid misuse/abuse of these drugs would be fatal.

4. Therapeutic Community (TC); This method began to be used at the end of 1950 in the United States. The ultimate goal is to be able to help addicts back into society and return to lead productive lives. TC program, a program called Drug Free Self Help Program. This program has nine elements of active participation, feedback from the membership, role modeling, collective format for personal change, shared norms and values​​, structures and systems, open communication, relationships and the use of terminology unique group. In TC activity will help participants learn about themselves through the five areas of personality development, the management of behavioral, emotional/psychological, intellectual and spiritual, vocasional and education, the skills to stay clean from drugs.

5. Methods 12 steps; in the United States, if someone is caught drunk or abusing drugs, the court will give punishment to follow the 12-step program. Addicts who are motivated to join the program to implement the 12 steps in everyday life.

 Hopefully this information can be useful, what do you think? and do not forget to read the other information
 Mobile and Adolescent Life


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