Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Definition of Drugs

Narcotics and Drugs (drugs) or Narcotics, Psychotropic Substances and Additives (drug) is a substance/substance that can affect the mental condition/psychology person (thoughts, feelings and behavior) and can cause physical and psychological dependence.

Narcotics are substances or drugs derived from plant or not plant either synthetic or semi-synthetic that can cause degradation or alteration of consciousness, loss of taste, reduce to eliminate pain, and can lead to dependence.

Psychotropic substance or drug that is natural and not synthetic psychoactive drug that is efficacious through a selective effect on the nervous system and causes typical changes in mental activity and behavior.

Listed below are the types of drugs included:

A. Opium (Heroin, Morphine)

Derived from the opium, the juice of the opium poppy.  In quintessence right opium from the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) and distilled to make morphine, codeine, and heroin. Opium used for centuries as a pain reliever (preventing cough, diarrhea, etc.).

Symptoms of symptoms arising from the use of opiates:
1. Feeling calm and happy
2. Indifferent (apathy)
3. Lazy move
4. Drowsiness
5. Nausea
6. Speaking lisp
7. Pupils narrowed (widened if overdose)
8. Impaired attention/memory

B. Cannabis
Cannabis is known to trigger psychosis, especially for those who have a background (genes). Marijuana can also trigger and mixing between anxiety and depression

Symptoms of marijuana use:
1. Sense happy and unhappy
2. Relaxed and weak
3. Indifferent
4. Eyes red
5. Increased appetite
6. Mouth dry
7. Temperance and less concentration
8. Depression and frequent yawning/sleepy

C. Amphetamines (meth, ecstasy)
Ecstasy (methylene dioxy methamphetamine)/MDMA is one type of drug that is illegally made ??in a laboratory in the form of tablets. Ecstasy will encourage the body to perform activities that exceed the maximum limits of the power of the body itself. Lack of body fluids may occur as a result of high exertion and time, which often leads to death.

The symptoms of amphetamine use
1. Vigilance increased
2. Pumped
3. Taste happy/unhappy
4. Dilated pupils
5. Pulse rate and blood pressure increases
6. Difficult to sleep/insomnia
7. Loss of appetite

D. Cocaine

Cocaine is one addictive substance that is often misused. Cocaine is an alkaloid obtained from the coca plant Erythroxylon shrub, a native of South America, where the leaves of this shrub plants typically chewed by the locals to get a stimulant effect, such as to increase endurance, stamina, reduce fatigue, and hunger for euphoric effect.

Symptoms of cocaine use
1. Restlessness and increased pulse
2. Euphoria/elation excessive
3. Lot of talk and increases alertness
4. Seizures and blood pressure increases
5. Sweating and easier fighting
6. Blockage of blood vessels
7. Dystonia (neck muscle stiffness)

Drug Abuse

very great danger, not only damage the body, but also the future. Drug abuse cause damage to organs but it also poses a dangerous disease difficult to cure, such as cancer, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, and even mental illness

Factors that encourage

1. Weak self control
2. Conditions of family life
3. Temperament difficult
4. Experiencing behavioral disorders
5. Likes alone and struggled
6. Achievement lower school
7. Not accepted in the group
8. Befriend users

1. Factors individually
Most started as a teenager, because adolescents are changing biological, psychological and social rapidly. The characteristics of adolescents who have a greater risk of drug use, such as lack of confidence, easily frustrated, aggressive, moody, shy, reserved and so forth.

2. Environmental Factor

Environmental factors include family factors and unfavorable milieu around the home, school, peers, and society, such as parent and child communication is not good, parents are divorced, married again, parents are too busy, indifferent, authoritarian parents and so on .

Drug Abuse Prevention
1. Role of Youth, skills training, alternative activities to fill free time, such as sporting events, arts, etc..
2. Role of Parents
3. Creating a healthy home, harmonious, harmony, love, affection and open communication.
4. Parenting, good parenting.
5. Becoming a good example.
6. Becoming a good watchdog.

 Hopefully this information can be useful, what do you think? and do not forget to read the other information
 What Are the Effects of Drug Use


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